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The Weight of Words Forming in the Mouth

Opening Nov 7 from 6-8 with a performance by Kun Kyung Sok

Curator Sarah Valeri presents a group exhibition, The Weight of Words Forming in the Mouth, at the New York Studio School DUMBO Artist Residency at 20 Jay St Suite 307, Brooklyn, NY. The residency is intended to foster artistic and professional independence as NYSS alumni transition from full time student to practicing artist.


This multimedia exhibition of sensory experiences, imagery, and narrative, creates space for perception to overlap with other species and elements, along with the dark matter of misperception found along the way. An awareness of the totality of experiences cannot be held by one center but must adapt and traverse through many. Imagining ourselves into the bodily experiences of other beings as water or soil fails to yield a consistent story. This is not the goal of imagining or inquiry. Instead we are informed by the choreography of the current reaching between forms. 


We cannot imitate or comprehend the perceptual fields of other beings. We can explore the full range of our own language and perception in the hopes of finding points of contact. We possibly turn ourselves inside out for another point of view, thus becoming corporeal and elemental polyglots. In this exhibition narratives are carried within sensory experiences, scents help us find common ground, we hear what we have ignored.


Curated by Sarah Valeri


Artists: Beth Robertson, Nikki Lindt, Tami Banh, Rosemary Joy Glidden, Ada Roth, Greta Ruedisueli, Frank P Melendez, Nany Diniz,Shahira Hammad, and Monica Mazzone


Performance: Kun Kyung Sok


Dates: October 15-November 27

Opening: Nov 7 from 6-8pm with Performance by Kun Kyung Sok 

Conservation and Community Panel: October 25 from 6-8 

Arts and Activism Meet Up: November 2, 3-7

Gallery hours: Saturdays 12-6 pm and by appointment

email: weightofwordsforming@gmail Instagram: sarahvaleriart

October 3

New Shoots

October 25

Community and Conservation Panel Discussion